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Vitamin C

Vitamin C, known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin.
vitamin C function - promote collagen synthesis

The main function of vitamin C is to promote collagen synthesis which is required for stabilization of epithelial barriersthe first defence in our body against external environment.

Vitamin C helps to make skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels; repair and maintain cartilage, bones and teeth. 

vitamin c act as cofactor produce ceramide help retain moisture

Not only vitamin C can help the recovery of damaged skin areas, the vitamin can also promote keratinocyte differentiation and the production of interstitial material. 

Vitamin C acts as a co-factor with enzymes to produce ceramide which strengthen the overall epidermal barrier function and retain moisture.

vitamin C function - improve absorption of non-haem iron
Vitamin C also indirectly improve the absorption of non-haem iron.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant compound that can help fight inflammation. It plays a role in phagocytic function and has an immunostimulatory effect on lymphocyte cells. In times of respiratory infection, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated during the respiratory burst to kill pathogens. High vitamin C levels in neutrophils are necessary to counteract the extremely high levels of oxidative stress and thus protect our organs, and resolves the inflammatory response.

Essential Daily Intake

Our body cannot make vitamin C on its own, nor store vitamin C. This is why it’s vital to include plenty of vitamin C-containing foods in our daily diet. 

The recommended daily value of vitamin C is 200mg daily. As vitamin C can be easily destroyed by cooking and exposure to light, it is best to consume certain foods in raw. If the food needs to be cooked, remember not to overheat or cook for too long. 

Megadose supplementation

In clinical studies, since 1970s, researchers found that individuals with a higher intake of high levels of vitamin C produce more new lymphocytes and antibodies (IgG and IgM).

High doses of vitamin C promote and enhance natural killer cell activities, and chemotaxis.

Megadoses of vitamin C can be natural antibiotic which has anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-fungal & anti-parasitic properties.

Although comparative bioavailability studies in humans have shown no differences between synthetic and natural vitamin C, we must note that not all vitamin C supplements in the market are suitable for megadose consumption. Some vitamin C supplements may cause digestive discomfort when taken at high dosages.

Liposomal Vitamin C

Oral consumption of water-soluble vitamin C pill is different from direct injection or oral consumption of liposomal vitamin C. We must note that not all vitamin C supplements in the market are suitable for megadose consumption.

Liposomal Vitamin C means ascorbic acid/vitamin C being encapsulated in liposomes. The molecule can be absorbed into our body bypassing the dependency on intestinal absorption.

Liposomal vitamin C could be a very effective way to receive a large vitamin C concentration in your blood in relative short amount of time, and it is not associated with any digestive discomfort even at high dosages. 

Liposomal vitamin C is found to be much more easily and effectively absorbed by our body, as compared to conventional water-soluble vitamin C pills, and allow the plasma concentration to increase to pharmacological level.

What about excess?

Some people may concern what happen if our body cannot use up all the vitamin C? Fear not! Since vitamin C is water-soluble, intoxication upon excess intake is virtually impossible as vitamin C in concentrations exceeding the daily demands will be excreted via the kidneys.

Liposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin C encapsulated in true liposomes. Can be used for high-dose treatment. Can be absorbed into the blood and cells. Suitable for the whole family.
oranges fresh fruits vitamin c concept

Amazing Vitamin C

Learn about megadose vitamin C treatment.